Student Org Conduct

Page is under review for updates; for information about Student Org Conduct, please contact the Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development at

Student Organizations are expected to uphold all aspects of SJSU’s Student Code of Conduct [pdf]. Violations of conduct are addressed in collaboration with Student Involvement and Student Conduct and Ethical Development.

All other recognized Student Organization Conduct since 2013 is listed below in alphabetical order by organization name.

All open items are bold.

  • Akbayan SJSU
    • Educational sanctions pending. KAAMP suspended and no recruitment of new members for Fall 2020 until all members complete educational training. 
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on July 2, 2020.
  • Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity
    • Social Event Restriction for Fall 2019 due to not meeting grades 2018-2019. 
    • Social Probation & Educational Sanction for social event protocol violations on April 28, 2017. Sanctions & probation should be completed by October 1, 2017.
    • Probation from August 1, 2013 to July 31, 2015 for violating recognition protocol.
  • Alpha Eta Rho Aviation Fraternity
    • Educational outcomes for alcohol violation in April 2018.
  • Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
    • CEASE & DESIST effective May 7, 2019 by national organization.
    • PROBATION through June 10, 2021 following return from suspension for hazing.
    • Unable to participate in Membership Intake per governing organization.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by governing organization in September 2017. Lifted.
    • SOCIAL PROBATION & Educational Sanctions for Disorderly Conduct until end of Fall 2017.
  • alpha Kappa Delta Phi Sorority
    • Education outcomes from governing organization in January 2018.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by governing organization in January 2018. Lifted.
    • Formal Warning on March 1, 2014 for partnering with an unrecognized group.
  • Alpha Kappa Omega Fraternity
    • Suspension as a SJSU Recognized Student Organization (RSO) effective through January 5, 2026. 
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on October 27th, 2021.
    • Educational Sanctions for recruitment violations in Spring 2017.
    • Probation for hazing from November 6, 2014 to November 6, 2015 post cease & desist being lifted.
  • Alpha Kappa Omicron Sorority
    • PROBATION & Educational Sanctions for recruitment violating restriction of activities in Spring 2017.
    • RESTRICTION OF ACTIVITIES - Issued by Student Involvement on April 21, 2017.
    • Probation due to hazing during Spring 2016 from June 24, 2016-May 31, 2017 post cease & desist being lifted. Social Probation from June 24, 2016-December 30th, 2016. Educational sanction completed by February 28, 2017.
    • Probation due to hazing from April 9, 2014 to April 9, 2015.
  • Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity
    • Educational Sanctions & Removal of Activities for hazing during Spring 2017. Elimination of specific activities until further notice. Educational Sanctions due October 8, 2017.
  • Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority
    • Education Sanctions for violations of Risk Management/Alcohol policies in April 2018 due in May 2018.
  • Alpha Phi Women's Fraternity
    • Organization Disciplinary Probation/Deferred Suspension until December 31, 2022 for (2) Alcohol, (8) Failure to Comply, and (24) Violations of Civil or Criminal Law.
    • Probation and educational sanctions in place by national organization.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on February 3, 2021.
    • Temporary restriction on chapter activities (by national organization) until further notice.
    • Substance Free Organization Event Restriction through April 18, 2020, Organization Disciplinary Probation through October 18, 2020, and Understanding of Unrecognized Organization Agreements signed by all members each semester from Fall 2019 through Spring 2021 for Aiding and Abetting and Failure to Comply.
    • Social Probation and Education Sanctions for violations of Risk Management/Alcohol policies through May 2018.
  • Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
    • SUSPENDED until June 19, 2020.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on September 27, 2018.
    • Academic & Social Probation for Spring 2017 based on Student Involvement Semester Compliance.
  • Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity
    • Suspension as a SJSU Recognized Student Organization (RSO) effective through July 12, 2027. 
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by Division of Student Affairs on January 26, 2024. 
    • Current enducational sanctions in place: Organization Disciplinary Probation until Dec 31, 2023, Substance-Free Only Organization Events through June 30, 2023, Review of an organizational New Member Plan prior to recruitment activities.
    • CEAST & DESIST- Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on September 10, 2023.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on October 6, 2022. Current suspension from national organization prohibiting all activities. Cease & Desist lifted November 18, 2022.
    • Organization Disciplinary Probation/Deferred Suspension until March 23, 2022. Pause on Recruitment/New Member activities until approval from Student Involvement. Educational sanctions from (8) Failure to Comply with Student Organization Handbook, (18) Risk Management of Events, (24) Violations of Civil or Criminal Law. 
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on March 11, 2021.
    • Educational sanctions from (1) Aiding and Abetting, (2) Alcohol, (8) Failure to Comply, and (18) Risk Management of Events from September 2019 event. Organizational Social Event Restriction from SJSU through December 20, 2020. Organization Disciplinary Probation from SJSU effective through March 10, 2021.

    • Educational Sanctions for incident in Fall 2017. Sanctions complete.

    • Social Probation & Educational Sanctions for Aiding and Abetting & Failure to Comply. Sanctions complete September 12, 2017.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on March 9, 2017. Lifted.
  • Arnold Air Society
    • Educational Sanctions from (8) Failure to Comply and (14) Hazing. Redevelopment and review of Candidate Training Program effective Fall 2021 through Fall 2023 with Director of Student Involvement and Organization Advisor, Hazing Education Workshop due by January 26, 2022, and Meeting with the Director of Student Involvement, or the person’s designee, and Organization Advisor twice (2) a semester through Fall 2023.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on May 26th, 2021.
  • Beta Theta Pi Fraternity
    • Organizational probation at SJSU until June 1, 2025. 
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on .
    • Organizational Disciplinary Probation until June 25, 2021. Eduational sanctions from SJSU for (1)Aiding and Abetting, (5)Disorderly Conduct, (8)Failure to Comply, and (24) Violations of Civil or Criminal Law for May 2020 event.
    • Probation from national organization as of June 11, 2020. Educational sanctions in place.
    • Social Event Restiction for Fall 2019 due to not meeting laurel status for 2018 Standards of Excellence.
    • Educational Sanctions for risk management incident in Spring 2019.
    • SOCIAL PROBATION for not following social event expectations until March 27, 2019.
    • SOCIAL PROBATION & Educational Sanction for social event protocol violations on April 29, 2017. Sanctions & probation should be completed by October 31, 2017.
  • Chi Pi Sigma Criminal Justice Fraternity
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on April 26, 2023.
    • Organization Disciplinary Probation/Deferred Suspension until December 31, 2024. Internal membership sanctions in place.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on December 4, 2020.
    • Educational workshops, meetings with Student Involvement, elimination of overnight activities, and required revision of new member process for violations of hazing policy in Fall 2017.
  • Chicano Commencement
    • Submission of an organization development plan due.
    • HELD IN ABEYANCE - Deferred Suspension as a SJSU Recognized Student Organization (RSO) effective immediately through the end of the 2021 Spring academic term.
    • SOCIAL PROBATION & Educational Sanction for alcohol violations in April 2018. Sanctions & probation should be completed by May 2019.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on April 13, 2018.
    • Educational outcomes for alcohol fundraising violations in February 2018.
  • Delta Gamma Sorority
    • Substance Free Organization Event Restriction until September 11, 2020 and Organization Disciplinary Probation through September 11, 2021.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on September 11, 2019.
    • Warning & Probation from national organization as of June 13, 2016.
    • Warning & Educational Sanctions for a December 18, 2013 for failure to Comply incident.
  • Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on September 19, 2022. Interim suspension (all social events and New Member Education Activities) by national headquarters - issued on September 17, 2022. Lifted on October 12, 2022. Found not responsible.
    • Educational sanctions from (2) Alcohol, (7) Endangerment, (8) Failure to Comply, (12) Guests, (18) Risk Management of Events, and (23) Violation of Student Organization Conduct Procedures and Sanctions from May 20, 2020 event. Extended Organization Event Restriction & Substance-Free Event Restriction effective through May 20, 2021. 
    • Recruitment pending revamp of plan due to previous hazing activities. Social event restriction. Educational sanctions currently in place.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on October 25, 2019.
  • Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity
    • Extended Organization Disciplinary Probation until December 31, 2021. Development and review of an organizational New Member Plan in consultation with Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity Headquarters before recruitment of new members - pending.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on December 24, 2020.
    • Suspended by National Headquarters until April 30, 2021.
    • Educational sanctions currently in place for previous hazing activities.
    • No recruitment and new member processes until educational sanctions complete.
    • SUSPENSION - Issued by National Organization April 1, 2019.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by Division of Student Affairs March 22, 2019.
    • SOCIAL PROBATION & Education Sanctions until completion of sanctions for violations of Alcohol Policy, Damage to Property, & Risk Management of Events in April 2017.
  • Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by organization in September 2017.
    • SOCIAL PROBATION through May 2018 (extended due to Cease & Desist), Educational Sanctions & RECRUITMENT RESTRICTION for Fall 2017 for Hazing & Disorderly Conduct for an event in Spring 2017.
  • Delta Upsilon Fraternity
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on September 1, 2022. Lifted September 27, 2022. Found not responsible.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by Division of Student Affairs on September 11, 2019.
    • Sanctions: Organization Disciplinary Probation until May 2021, Organization Event Restriction until May 2021, Monthly Meeting with Student Involvement, Educational Workshop by September 30.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by Division of Student Affairs March 2019. Lifted.
    • SOCIAL PROBATION through December 2018 & Educational Sanctions for violations in 2017.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on May 15, 2017 & again on September 8, 2017. Lifted.
    • Probation through May 31, 2016 and educational sanctions for Alcohol, Disorderly Conduct, Endangerment, Harassment & Abusive Behavior, Risk Management of Events, and Sexual Misconduct.
    • Warning for a February 14, 2014 incident for Alcohol, Disorderly Conduct & Failing to Comply.
  • Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
    • Social Restriction until further notice for not meeting membership numbers.
  • Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
    • Social Restriction until further notice for not meeting membership numbers.
    • SOCIAL PROBATION for Spring 2019 not meeting Fall 2018 Student Involvement Semester Compliance.
    • SOCIAL PROBATION & Educational Sanctions until October 31, 2017 for unregistered event.
  • Kappa Sigma Fraternity
    • Organization Disciplinary Probation until December 31, 2022. Substance Free Only Organization Event – All events must be Substance-free effective through May 31, 2022. Monthly Meeting with the Director of Student Involvement, or the person’s designee, throughout the Fall and Spring academic terms while the organization is on Organization Disciplinary Probation. 
    • Currently cannot host or co-host registered or unregistered social events (these includes events with or without alcohol) due to not meeting 2020 Standards of Excellence Review.
    • Deferred Suspension Status for Spring 2021. Currently restricted to internal events only (no recruitment/new member process).
    • Social Event Restriction for Fall 2019 due to not meeting laurel status for 2018 Standards of Excellence.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on September 8, 2017. Lifted Thursday, August 23, 2018.
    • SOCIAL PROBATION until completion of education sanctions for incident and findings of investigation on April 5, 2017.
    • Warning & Probation from national organization based on April 2, 2014 alcohol violations.
    • Probation for a November 8, 2013 incident for Alcohol, Failing to Comply & Risk Management of Events.
  • Lambda Sigma Gamma Sorority
    • Revamping new member education program prior to recruitment based on anonymous reports of hazing in Spring 2017.
  • Lambda Theta Alpha Sorority
    • All activities currently halted per governing organization.
    • SOCIAL PROBATION & Educational Sanctions for unregistered event in April 2018.
  • Lambda Theta Phi Fraternity
    • Monthly Meeting with the Director of Student Involvement, or the person’s designee, throughout the Fall and Spring academic terms while the organization is on Organization Disciplinary Probation. 
    • Academic Probation for Spring 2017 based on Student Involvement Semester Compliance.
  • Nu Alpha Kappa Fraternity
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on April 11, 2023.
  • Omega Psi Phi Fraternity
    • Social restriction and no intake activities due to national moratorium.
    • Social Restriction until further notice for not meeting membership numbers.
    • SOCIAL PROBATION for Spring 2019 not meeting Fall 2018 Student Involvement Semester Compliance.
  • Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
    • Social Restriction until further notice for not meeting membership numbers.
    • Academic Probation for Spring 2017 based on Student Involvement Semester Compliance.
  • Pi Alpha Phi Fraternity
    • Suspension as a SJSU Recognized Student Organization (RSO) effective until December 20, 2024.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on November 12, 2019.
    • Educational Sanctions for risk management incidents in Spring 2019: Organization Disciplinary Probation from May 8, 2019 to May 8, 2020, Organizational Social Event Restrictions from May 8, 2019 to December 20, 2019, Social Event Registration presentation with Student Involvement to be completed by
      October 2019.
    • PROBATION through December 31, 2019 following return from suspension for hazing.
    • Social restriction & educational sanctions for alcohol & substance free recruitment violations through May 2018.
    • Revamping new member education program prior to recruitment & educational sanctions based on New Member plan in Standards of Excellence.
  • Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity
    • Suspension as a SJSU Recognized Student Organization (RSO) effective through Fall 2027.
    • SUSPENSION of all chapter activities due to failure to comply, falsification of information, and violation of student organization conduct procedures and sanctions effective July 1, 2019 through May 25, 2020.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on November 20, 2018.
    • SOCIAL PROBATION through March 2019 & Educational Sanctions for Risk Management violations in April 2018 while on Social Probation.
    • SOCIAL PROBATION through November 2018, required Membership Review & Educational Sanctions for Risk Management violations in March 2018.
    • SOCIAL PROBATION through February 2018 & Educational Sanctions for Risk Management violations in Fall 2017.
    • Social Probation & Recruitment Restriction until membership review completed in Spring 2017.
    • Probation from August 2, 2013 to February 1, 2015 following return from Suspension for alcohol violations, property damage, disorderly conduct, battery, and failure to comply.
  • SAHAARA - Bollywood Dance Group
    • Restriction of Activities & Educational Sanctions for Alcohol Violations in Spring 2018 until further notice.
    • Educational sanctions & loss or facilities privileges for facilities & space violations due in April 2018.
    • Loss of recognition for Fall 2018-Spring 2019 and until sanctions are completed
  • Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity
    • SOCIAL PROBATION through May 2018 & Educational Sanctions for multiple Risk Management Violations in Fall 2017.
  • Sigma Chi Fraternity
    • SOCIAL PROBATION for not following social event expectations until March 27, 2019.
    • Warning on January 16, 2015 for Damage of Property.
    • Probation and educational sanction from January 30, 2015 to January 30, 2016 for hazing.
  • Sigma Delta Alpha Fraternity
    • Educational sanctions currently in place for previous hazing activities.
    • SUSPENDED until December 31, 2019.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on April 20, 2018.
    • Academic, New Member Plan re-vamp & Social Probation for Fall 2017 based on Student Involvement Semester Compliance.
    • Academic Probation for Spring 2017 based on Student Involvement Semester Compliance.
  • Sigma Nu Fraternity
    • Suspension as a SJSU Recognized Student Organization (RSO) effective through July 1, 2023.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on November 12, 2019.
    • Temporarily suspended by national organization on November 11, 2019. All activities ceased until outcome of an investigation.
    • Social Event Restiction for Fall 2019 due to not meeting laurel status for 2018 Standards of Excellence.
    • Organization Disciplinary Probation effective April 19, 2019 to October 19,
      Social probation until educational requirements are completed.
    • Social Probation from national headquarters effective March 21, 2019 for possible violations of the Fraternity’s Risk Reduction Policy and Guidelines.
    • Social Probation through May 25, 2018, strategic planning & education sanctions through December 21, 2018 for violations of substance free recruitment.
    • Social Probation - April 16, 2015 to April 16, 2016 for violations of Alcohol Policy, Damage to Property, Disorderly Conduct & Trespassing.
  • Sigma Omega Phi Sorority
    • Suspension as a SJSU Recognized Student Organization (RSO) effective through December 31, 2028.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on November 15, 2022.
    • Educational sanctions currently in place for previous hazing activities.
    • SUSPENSION of all chapter activities for hazing effective June 19, 2018 through December 31, 2019.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on June 19, 2018.
  • Sigma Omicron Pi Sorority
    • SUSPENSION of all chapter activities for hazing effective May 2, 2019 through December 20, 2020.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on May 2, 2019.
    • Educational Sanction for risk management policies. Sanction should be completed by April 13, 1017.
    • Educational Sanction for hosting unrecognized group at event. Sanction should be completed by October 2, 1017.
  • Sigma Pi Fraternity
    • Currently not an active chapter at SJSU.
    • SUSPENSION of all chapter activities for hazing, beginning January 13, 2015 to August 1, 2017.
    • Suspension of all chapter activities for academic & programmatic compliance issue from July 10, 2014 to December 20, 2014
  • Sigma Pi Alpha Sorority
    • Educational sanctions currently in place for previous hazing activities.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on November 19, 2019.
    • Sanctions - Mediation Prior to Starting Fall 2018 New Member Initiation Process, Initiation of Fall 2018 New Members by February 22, 2019, and Student Involvement Meeting with Fall 2018 New Members by February 15, 2019.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on October 29, 2018.
    • Revamping new member education program prior to recruitment & educational sanctions based on anonymous reports of hazing in Spring 2017. Sanction should be completed by October 2, 2017.
  • Theta Chi Fraternity
    • Currently cannot host or co-host registered or unregistered social events (these includes events with or without alcohol) due to not meeting 2020 Standards of Excellence Review.
    • Deferred Suspension Status for Spring 2021. Currently restricted to internal events only (no recruitment/new member process).
    • Educational sanctions currently in place for previous hazing activities.
    • CEASE & DESIST - Issued by the Division of Student Affairs on October 19, 2019.
    • SOCIAL PROBATION through February 2018 & Educational Sanctions for Risk Management violation in Fall 2017.
    • Social Probation for Spring 2017 based on social event violations.
    • Probation, Educational & Operational sanctions from October 8, 2014 to October 8, 2015 following an investigation into two sexual assaults at the Chapter house. Sanctions completed by March 6, 2015.
  • Valley Foundation School of Nursing, Class of Fall 2019
    • Educational outcomes for alcohol fundraising violations in February 2018.
  • Zeta Chi Epsilon Fraternity
    • Could not host or co-host registered or unregistered social events (these includes events with or without alcohol) due to not meeting 2020 Standards of Excellence Review.
    • Deferred Suspension Status for Spring 2021. Currently restricted to internal events only (no recruitment/new member process).
    • SOCIAL PROBATION until October 9, 2019 based on unregistered social events and Fall 2018 Student Involvement Semester Compliance.
    • SOCIAL PROBATION & educational sanctions until October 13, 2017 based on alcohol violations.
    • Academic Probation & Suspension of Recruitment for Spring 2017 based on Student Involvement Semester Compliance.

Organizations Not Affiliated with SJSU

In addition to the above conduct, the following organizations are not affiliated with San José State University.

The following Greek chapters have been SUSPENDED or NEVER RECOGNIZED by San José State University or by their national office for hazing, violence, or inappropriate chapter management practices. We strongly discourage students from attending events or affiliating with any group that is not officially recognized by SJSU. 

  • Lambda Phi Epsilon (fraternity) - Expelled for serious hazing, resulting in a death
  • Phi Kappa Tau (fraternity) - Underground group, never recognized, history of hazing practices - Cease and Desist Order issued by the CSU
  • Psi Chi Omega (fraternity) - Underground group, never recognized, history of hazing practice
  • Sigma Gamma Rho (sorority) - Suspended for serious hazing
  • Alpha Lambda Mu