Contact Your UP Representatives and they will let you know what needs to be done.
Payroll Help and FAQs
If your question is not answered below, please refer to Your UP Representatives to determine whom to contact with payroll related questions.
- What do I do if I didn't receive my paycheck?
- Can I have my paycheck early?
No. State Controller Guidelines mandate that under no circumstances do we release pay warrants early.
- What do I do if I lost my paycheck?
Please contact Your UP Representatives in Payroll immediately, so a stop payment can be placed on the check.
Once the State is sure that it has not been cashed, a replacement check will be issued. This process can take 2-4 weeks.
- Can I have a salary advance?
In the case of a serious, unforeseeable hardship, employees may request an advance on their next paycheck (up to the number of days worked in the current pay period) by completing a Salary Advance Request [pdf] (PDF).
Employees who receive a salary advance will not be eligible for another advance until 365 calendar days have passed.
- How do I earn vacation credit?
Vacation Credit is earned for each qualifying monthly pay period.
For purposes of computing vacation credit, an employee who works eleven (11) or more days in a monthly pay period is considered to have completed a qualifying month.
- Do I lose my vacation if I do not use it in the current calendar year?
Eligible employees may accrue unused vacation credits up to the maximum allowed as of December 31. When computing the maximum allowable vacation limits, include the December vacation accrual that is available the following January.
Review Employee Benefits Summaries for more information about the maximum allowable vacation hours to carry over.
- I have questions about my leave balances. Whom should I contact?
You should always contact your supervisor or department timekeeper first.
If the information is unobtainable or the issue is not resolved, please contact Your UP Representatives.
- What is Direct Deposit?
Direct Deposit is a program that allows for the automatic deposit of your net earnings into the financial institution of your choice.
- What are some of the reasons for enrolling in direct deposit?
Avoidance of long lines at your financial institution on pay days; convenient and consistent deposit of earnings in spite of business absences, vacations or illnesses.
- Who is eligible for direct deposit?
All employees working in faculty, management, staff, and student assistant positions are eligible for Direct Deposit.
- What financial institutions participate in the state's direct deposit program?
Any financial institution that deposits through the Federal Reserve Bank System and is an active participant in the Direct Deposit Program may be used by an employee. Most financial institutions in the surrounding five county regions are participants. It is important for you to verify with the financial institution of your choice whether or not it is a participant.
- How do I sign-up for direct deposit?
Individuals wishing to enroll in the program must complete a Direct Deposit Enrollment Authorization [DocuSign]
form. Forms are also available at the University Personnel Office – UPD Building, 3rd Floor.
- What is the bank routing number and account number requested on the enrollment authorization
These numbers are used to identify your financial institution and account. It is extremely important that this information be accurate; if it is not, the length of time to enroll in the program could be increased or funds could be routed to the wrong account. We recommend that you verify your bank routing and account numbers with your financial institution before the Enrollment Authorization form is submitted to Payroll. Instructions have also been included on page 2 of the form, to assist you in identifying these numbers.
- What happens after I submit the enrollment form?
The Payroll Office will review the form for completeness and then complete Section E of the form, and forward it to the State Controller’s Office in Sacramento for processing. Once the State Controller’s Office verifies that you have an active account at your designated financial institution, all paychecks you receive through the payroll system (e.g., regular pay, hourly pay, overtime, shift, adjustments, etc.) will me made by Direct Deposit.
- After the State Controller's Office receives my form, how long will it take for the
change to occur?
You can expect Direct Deposit of your paychecks to begin within 45 days after your form is received by the State Controller’s Office. This time is necessary to verify that an active account exists with your financial institution. Financial institutions are given 20 days to respond. Once this verification has been completed, your next paycheck will be issued through Direct Deposit.
- How will I know if the state has sent my paycheck to my financial institution?
On master payroll distribution at the end of each pay period, you will receive a Direct Deposit Advice from authorized personnel in your department.
- Can I have my paychecks deposited to either my checking or savings accounts?
Yes. Either account is eligible. However, you must designate only one account to receive your funds. If you want a portion of your paycheck deposited into another account(s), you must make arrangements with your financial institution for a transfer of funds.
- Can I have my paychecks deposited directly to my spouse's account?
No. The account to which your paycheck is deposited must carry your name. It can be held in joint status, as long as your name is on the account.
- The timesheet to enter my hours does not show up on PeopleSoft. Is there something
wrong with my status?
Please contact your Payroll Representative for assistance or call the main University Personnel number, 408-924-2250, so that they can direct your call.
W2 Questions
View current and prior W-2s through Cal Employee Connect. Please visit Cal Employee Connect for information on how to register.
- When are W-2s issued?
W-2s are printed by the State Controller's Office and issued on approximately the 15th of January.
They are sent to the most current address on file in Human Resources as of December 10th of the previous year.
- I’ve lost or didn’t receive my W-2. What do I do?
Please contact your payroll representative immediately. Depending upon the circumstances regarding your W-2, you may be charged an $8.50 replacement fee.
- Contact your HR Representative.
- To receive a duplicate W-2, complete the Duplicate W2 Wage and Tax Statement Request [pdf] Form.
- Who do I submit my address change to and when is the deadline in order to receive
my W-2 at my new address?
Faculty/Staff complete: Employee Action Request [DocuSign]
. Students complete: Student Payroll Action Request [pdf].
Human Resources must receive this information by December 10.
- How do I change my address so my Form W-2 gets sent to my current address?
- Go to the Address tab of your Personal Information in MySJSU
- Click the Edit icon on the address you wish to update
- Update all applicable fields
- Click OK
- Enter the date the change will take effect
- Save
- When will the Form W-2 be mailed?
Your Form W-2 is issued by the State of California Controller’s Office and is mailed by the end of January each year.
- What if I don’t receive my Form W-2 in the mail?
If you have not received your Form W-2 by January 31 of the tax year, please contact your Payroll Representative. Form W-2s that are undeliverable by the post office will be returned to University Personnel.
Generally there is a fee of $8.50 charged by the State Controller’s Office for a duplicate copy of the Form W-2. If your address is correct in the system and your Form W-2 has not been received, please contact your Payroll Representative. A waiver of the processing fee may be applied if your address has not changed.
- What if I receive a damaged Form W-2?
Complete a Duplicate Wage and Tax Statement Request Form [pdf] and bring the damaged Form W-2 form and completed Duplicate Wage and Tax form to University Personnel (UPD 3rd floor).
- How do I obtain a Form W-2 from a prior year?
Complete and submit a Duplicate Wage and Tax Statment Request Form [pdf] and mail it to the State Controller's Office (address is on the form).
There is a fee of $8.50 charged by the State Controller's Office for duplicate copy of the Form W-2.