Classroom Integration of AR/VR

Faculty currently exploring the use of AR/VR in their classrooms

This project involves eCampus working with faculty members to incorporate virtual reality/augmented reality into a course during the semester. This project supports faculty members in the following ways:

  • Provide support for exploring applications relevant to the instructor’s content area
  • Provide support in designing virtual/augmented reality lesson plans
  • Coordinate demonstrations/meetings with developers as needed
  • Provide training on the equipment and capabilities
  • Provide instructional design guidance
  • Locate and share relevant research
  • Observe/provide support for a minimum of one lesson

Patrick Grandsaert, Aerospace Studies

Learning Objective/Outcome

Patrick GransdsaertFor this project, the participant will interact with a counselee in an immersive environment.  The participant will view a scenario and then react to the scenario verbally and non verbally or choose an option that best describes their desired response.  Based on the participants reactions or choice, the scenario would change and the participant would get immediate feedback from their actions or choices.

Maureen Kelley, Geography

Learning Objective/Outcome

Maureen KelleyThis project is looking at relating geographical information in a 3D/virtual environment. Through the combination of mapping data and 3D modeling, the information can transform from static to immersive. This project will provide students with a "hands-on" environment. The technology currently getting used is ArcGIS 360 VR. 

Alice Butzlaff, Nursing

Learning Objective/Outcome

Alice ButzlaffThe project is looking to develop an immersive experience that combines the anatomy of the heart alongside a variety of ECG patterns. The project invoices the development of this activity for a virtual reality environment. Technology currently getting used is Unity.

Apryl Berney and Yingjie Liu, Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences

Learning Objective/Outcome

Apryl Berney and Yingjie LiuFor this VR Storytelling project, students design a virtual environment that tells the story of people and events in Asian American history. Students will draw from multidisciplinary research, evaluate social science information, draw on different points of view, identify and conceptualize how dynamics of ethnic, cultural, gender/sexual, age, class, regional, national, transnational, and global identities impact people, and demonstrate a knowledge of how US political institutions work.

Resa Kelly and Yingjie Liu, Chemistry and Science Education

Learning Objective/Outcome

Resa Kelly and Yingjie LiuThe AR/VR science project aims to prepare future science teacher to be technology innovators in their classrooms and create new learning opportunities to enhance student success with virtual reality. The teacher candidates will explore virtual reality app on iPad along with HTC Vive and Google Cardboard to interact with interactive 3D science models in a direct and engaging way. They will be able to create, publish and share interactive presentations with VR content creator for their lessons. Incorporating iPad and VR equipment in the science education course creates new opportunities for teacher candidates making new connections to the science concept and encourages students to ask more questions and take charge of their learning. 

Deborah Boldin, Occupational Therapy

Learning Objective/Outcome

Deborah BoldinOccupational therapy students must learn to evaluate the home environment for potential obstacles to performance and safety, and develop recommendations and intervention plans for clients. The virtual home will ensure that every student will encounter predetermined barriers to independent living and participation.  The project combines kinesthetic, visual, and verbal learning in an active learning situation. Class discussion about problems encountered in the virtual home should promote pragmatic and collaborative reasoning abilities.

Peggy Boylan-Ashraf, Engineering Mechanics

Learning Objective/Outcome

Peggy Boylan-AshrafIntroductory, fundamental engineering mechanics courses, such as statics, mechanics of materials, dynamics, and mechanics of fluids, have far too long been focused on intense mathematical and theoretical concepts.  My research proposes to provide a virtual reality gamification platform for these difficult concepts which will take students through expeditions in a near-future world after a major earthquake hits California. They will learn strenuous concepts, which in my opinion require more than just lecturing in mastering them.  My goal is to spark students’ curiosity into a burning flame in engineering.