Production Opportunities

Our theatre program draws students from across the university, engaging them both as audience members and as active participants—whether on stage or behind the scenes. In collaboration with the Radio-Television-Film program and the School of Music, we produce a diverse range of stage and video performances. Students who participate in these productions not only earn academic credit but also gain hands-on experience, applying the skills they've learned in the classroom to real-world production settings.

Theatre Arts students from all concentrations have ample opportunities to showcase their talents through our main stage season. Performances are held at both the Hammer Theatre and the Hal Todd Studio Theatre. These productions bring together actors, directors, playwrights, designers, and crew in a collaborative environment, with additional student-led and special performances taking place throughout the year.

Regardless of your major, if you're interested in design, technical direction, costume crafts & wardrobe, props technology, scenic art, sound, stage management, or being backstage, you can enroll in TA 191 (3 units).   This Production Workshop course is a hands-on course that gives you practical experience to put on your resume, increasing your opportunities to be hired upon graduation.  There are numerous opportunities to get involved, and TA 191 is a great way to explore your creative side, build your resume, and build your portfolio. If acting is your passion, you can audition each semester; students who are cast in productions are required to enroll in TA 117. No matter your interest, there’s a place for you in the world of theatre.