Collage of pictures featuring SJSU dancers performing.

Welcome to Dance!

Founded in 1857, SJSU is the oldest public institution of higher education on the West Coast—meaning that we have been teaching dancers longer than any other school in California. That's why we're able to provide students with comprehensive dance programs, dedicated teacher-artists, and an innovative curriculum.

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Dancers strike a pose.

Advanced Performing Company

The Dance program's advanced performing company, University Dance Theater (UDT), directed by Chafin Seymour, performs regularly at American College Dance Association conferences. We have also performed at Jacob's Pillow, the Kennedy Center for the Art, and other prestigious performance venues across the country.

Learn more about our performing arts company!


The dance program and degrees housed in the School of Music and Dance are fully accredited by the National Associations of Schools of Dance (NASD).

National Associations of Schools of Dance (NASD)

Internship Site Inquiries

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