Quantum Technology

Enhancing Quantum Computer Readout

person stands in front of poster presentation with electronics on table talking and chuckling with guestUsing a variety of simulation techniques, our researchers are modeling superconducting qubit noise to predict the readout noise, optimize the pulse width, energy, and resonator design for high-fidelity readout. Below is a rotating selection of our standout investigators in this subject matter.

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   ○ Related Strength: Semiconductors

Featured Faculty

hurstHilary M Hurst
Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Quantum Physics, Quantum Control, Quantum Information Science, Ultracold Gases, Bose-Einstein Condensation, Spinor Condensate, Weak Measurement, Quantum Measurement
ORCID: 0000-0002-7197-7615

khatamiEhsan Khatami
Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Quantum Many-Body Physics, Quantum simulations, Condensed Matter Physics, Numerical Methods, Machine Learning
ORCID: 0000-0003-4256-6232

wongHiu-Yung Wong
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
Quantum Computing Device and Algorithm, TCAD Simulation, Semiconductor, Wide-Bandgap Device, Machine Learning, Device Physics, Neuromorphic Computing
ORCID: 0000-0003-0135-7469

Potential collaborators and members of the media may contact us at officeofresearch@sjsu.edu.