Year 3: HSI Grant: Diversity Workshop

Monday, June 10, 2024 - Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Matthew Love

Matthew Love, Assistant Professor in Special Education at SJSU, facilitated a 3-day Summer Faculty Workshop. Within the 3 days, our instructor was able to inform and create activities for our participants about:

  • Universal Design Learning
    • What it is
    • The Do’s and Don’ts
    • Guidelines
  • Digging Deeper Into Student Engagement in HE Courses
  • Maximizing LMS & Instructional Technology
  • Conversation: What do grades represent in your course?
  • Define Assessment Approaches and Action Steps for Developing Authentic Assessment
  • Choosing a material such as a syllabus, grading system, exam, or other material to revise with the content they’ve learned. 

Throughout the 3 days, the participants were able to adapt new skills and knowledge from Professor Love and their workshop peers. We will have another workshop in 2025. So stay tune for details!


Total # of Faculty Attended: 9

  • SJSU Faculty: 9
  • SJCC Faculty: 0
  • Gavilan CC Faculty: 0