About Us

students pose for the first ever photo in the lab space
First Ever Radlauer Group Photo in our Lab Space, Fall 2017

Empowering Students in Scientific Research

The Radlauer Research Group has included many interesting and brilliant students over the years. Learn more about our current and past group members, the PI and the courses she teaches, and the group's activities, presentations, and recognitions.


Get the latest news from the Radlauer Research Group, including recent graduations, awards, presentations, and more.

Principal Investigator

Meet our Principal Investigator, Professor Madalyn R. Radlauer, and read about her background and areas of interest.


Get to know the students (and mascot!) that make up the Radlauer Research Group. You'll find their majors, hometowns, and graduation dates.


Take a look at our former Master's, undergraduate, and summer students including what degrees they pursued, when they graduated, and where you can find them working today.


Explore the courses Dr. Radlauer teaches and find her current office hours as well as representative syllabi.

Interested in Joining Us?

Learn about opportunities in the Radlauer Research Group.