MAS 175: Human Migrations: Global Reach

Time: Tuesday/Thursday 1:30-2:45

Location: Clark Hall 238


This course is designed to give you an overview of the study immigration. We will explore views from interdisciplinary perspectives with a distinct sociological bent addressing social, cultural, political, and economic forces that shape/influence immigration. This course takes a Chicana and Chicano Studies approach to this study. We will examine a variety of topics in immigration (e.g., types of immigration-single, family, community; types of immigrants-workers, family members, women, men, children; statuses-permanent residents, visa holders, unofficial (aka undocumented), etc.). My hope is that you will develop a critical and dynamic view (i.e., analytical) toward immigration discourse, theory, policy, and social interaction in general. Consider immigration as something in which people engage for diverse structural and intimate reasons. We will use Mexican immigration as a core example; however, we will explore other regions of the world as both sending and host spaces.

Textbooks and Readings

We will use articles and research reports available at King Library. Bibliography will be available in our course CANVAS webpage. Suggested Readings: Huerta, Alvaro. Reframing the Latno Immigration Debate: Towards a Humanistic Paradigm. San Diego, CA: San Diego State University Press. 2013. Spickard, Paul. Race and Immigration in the United States. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis. 2012.

Course Documents
