Packaging Student Resources

Visit Bachelor of Science in Packaging for information about the program. 

Media, Associations, Industry Standards

Type Resources
Industry News
Industry Associations
Packaging Design Blogs
Industry Standards

Student Packaging Association

Why join?

  • Our association allows students to thrive in the major by gaining knowledge from guest lecturers, attending Packaging Expos, facility tours, and participating in package testing in the lab.
  • Through these experiences, the students get a glance of the real work world and what different industries are all about.
  • Students are given the chance to network and to see what they learned in the classroom in the real world (such as machinery, various materials, filling lines, production lines, etc) through tours and packaging expos.
  • The association opens the door to numerous opportunities for students to apply for open internships and job positions.
  • The association is a welcoming environment that allows students to work together outside of the classroom, catch up on their work, and make new friends.

How to Join

Send an email to the association president asking to join. The association is open to anyone in the Packaging major. 

Manh Nguyen
Student Packaging Association President

Marlee Benton
Student Packaging Association Treasurer

Faculty Advisor

Edmund Tang