
Assessment Modules

FA Moves

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Module 1: Introduction to FA Moves Framework

Synopsis: This module provides you with an overview of the “Formative Assessment Moves” framework and focuses on assessment for learning aimed at deeper learning. It introduces each move–priming, posing, pausing, probing, bouncing, tagging, and binning–and sets the stage for the next modules in the learning pathway. 

Sources: Duckor, B., & Holmberg, C. (2021, July, 30). Assessment for learning to support student achievement: Module 2 on priming. California Collaborative for Educational Excellence.

Start Module 1 Introduction

Module 2: On Priming

Synopsis: This module provides you with an overview of the “Formative Assessment Moves” framework while focusing on priming students for learning to learn. Priming moves set the stage for any formative assessment-rich classroom context by preparing the groundwork with students, establishing and agreeing on norms and values, and ensuring that all students’ voices can be heard in the process of assessment for learning routines.

Citation: Duckor, B., & Holmberg, C. (2021b). Assessment for learning to support student achievement: Module 2 on priming. California Collaborative for Educational Excellence.

Watch more about Priming