Collection Statistics

These statistics include only cataloged and partially cataloged materials located at the Beethoven Center and therefore are not a complete accounting of the breadth of the collections.

Collection total: 32,722

Updated August 13, 2024

Printed Scores

  • First editions: 365
  • Early editions (to 1900): 3,563
  • Modern editions (1901-current): 1,256
  • Other composers: 547
  • Total Scores: 5,731


  • Beethoven letters: 10
  • Beethoven music manuscripts: 2
  • Manuscript copies of Beethoven's music: 20
  • Other Beethoven documents: 2
  • Autograph letters of other people: 55
  • Music manuscripts of other people: 18
  • Total manuscripts: 107

Books and Periodicals

  • Rare (published before 1900): 621
  • Other books and periodicals: 5,196
  • Total books and periodicals: 5,817

Journal Articles and Other Essays

  • Indexed in Beethoven Gateway: 12,956
  • Not yet indexed: 822
  • Total journal articles: 13,778

Sound Recordings

  • CDs: 2,503
  • Albums (Vinyl LP & 78s): 2,171
  • Cassettes: 131
  • Other (piano rolls, etc.): 15
  • Total sound recordings: 4,820


  • VHS tapes: 140
  • DVD: 69
  • CD-ROM: 28
  • Other media: 16
  • Total audio/visual: 253

Graphic Materials

  • Beethoven portraits: 247
  • Portraits of other people: 276
  • Places: 829
  • Other: 154
  • Total graphic materials: 1,506


  • Busts and sculpture: 148
  • Medallions and coins: 68
  • Other objects: 208
  • Keyboard instruments: 6
  • Total objects: 430


  • Programs: 126
  • Posters: 56
  • Newspapers: 37
  • Other: 61
  • Total ephemera: 280