Enrollment Status Summary Report

Regular Session Data Only

Academic Scheduling & Space Management (AS&SM) recommends all department and college stakholders involved in the development and monitoring of the class schedule and classroom utilization refer to the Enrollment Status Summary Dashboard (ESSD), which offer a more interactive, dynamic version of the PDF reports (see also the Fall 2024 Regular Session ESS Report [pdf] as of September 19, 2024 preliminary census).

The dashboards allow you to filter information by college/department and view college/department/division summary tables along with a robust set of definitions to explain the data. Academic Business & Strategic Operations (ABSO) and AS&SM partnered with Institutional Research and Strategic Analytics (IRSA) to establish these dashboards.

Regular Session PDF Reports by College

The available Regular Session Enrollment Status Summary PDF Reports by college include: Fall 2024 (September 19, 2024), Summer 2024 (June 29, 2024), and Spring 2024 (February 21, 2024).

Data & Future Updates Notice

The dashboard and PDF reports are not final Enrollment Census Data, and designed for college and department planning purposes. Minor discrepancies may exist between this site and the Enrollment Census Reports.

As of September 20, 2024, AS&SM will discontinue the practice of running daily PDF reports and posting them onto this website. The historical PDFs will be removed from this website and archived into a Google Folder.

Feedback & Help

Contact Sheri Tomisaka-Wong if you have any questions or need further assistance regarding the reports.