Leadership Activities
Central role in revision of Business 202, Managing in the Global Economy, and Business
290, Strategic Thinking, both required courses in the MBA degree program.
Plan, organize, fundraise, write and edit papers for "The Future of Industry and
Innovation in Asia" conference held at Stanford University, July 8-9, 2010.
Plan & propose, unfunded SJSU-Nankai University International MBA Program, 2005.
Steering Committee, Silicon Valley Center for Entrepreneurship, SJSU, 2001-04.
Coordinating Editor, Japan Business & Economics Series, Oxford U. Press, 1995-2000.
Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer, Pacific Roundtable on Industry, Society, and
Management (PRISM), a California, not-for-profit research association, 1985-2000.
Research Specialization
Firm and network organization-based strategies; global network systems.
Resource-based strategy; converting resources into capabilities and competencies and
moving them across organizational, institutional, and national boundaries.
Comparative research on innovation and technology transfer, focusing on firms and
groups of firms in Japan, China, the U.S. and the Pacific Rim.
Professional Service (Recent and Current)
Board of Advisors, Energy Voyager, Santa Barbara, Ca, 2007-
Editorial Board, Journal of Asia Business Studies, University of San Francisco, 2005-
Editorial Board,Business History Review, Harvard Business School, 1987-2007
Board Member, CCS, Inc., a top 100 software firm & member of the Japan Energy Group
of companies, 1998- 2003
Board Member, ChoiceMaker Technologies, a New York State-based, record matching
technology, private software development company, 2001-03
Board Member, Logos Network, a California-based, internet training firm, 1998-2000
Director of Research, The Enterprise Network of Silicon Valley, 2002-03
Advisory Board, Asia Pacific Business Review, Cardiff Business School, 1995-2002
Advisory Board, International Institute of Economic Studies, Tokyo, Japan, 1992-2000
International Faculty Member, CSU East Bay Executive MBA, Singapore, 2000-2003
Past Service
Founder of Canada-Asia Pacific Research Initiatives (CAPRI), a public policy program
of the Institute of Asian Research, University of British Columbia
Hong Kong Bank of Canada Endowed Professor, 1992-97, Faculty of Commerce, UBC
Director, Institute of Asian Research, 1992-95, UBC
Academic Advisor, Manufacturing Studies Board, Japanese Technology and Manufacturing
Research Project,National Research Council, 1992-94
Conference Chair, Association for Japanese Business Studies, 1994
Chair, Japan Track, CIBER, 1991-93, Anderson Graduate School of Management, UCLA
Assistant Vice President for Research, 1985-87, Associate Dean of Academic Planning,
1977-79, Chair, East Asia Studies Committee, 1973-79, CSU East Bay (Hayward)
Senator, Academic Senate, CSU East Bay (Hayward), 1978-79
Outside Expert, Fulbright-Hays Dissertation & Faculty Research Grants, DOE, 1985-87
Contributing Editor, InfoWorld & Micronews, microcomputer journals, 1981-83
Courses Taught
Business 290, Strategic Thinking (required MBA course); Business 202, Managing in
the Global Economy (required MBA course); Bus 189, Strategic Management, undergrad
Private pilot and Master Scuba Diver; father of two married sons, 38 and 33.
Stanford University Ph.D., 1973 | Modern History of China and Japan; dissertation on migration for work in 19th century Japan |
Stanford University M.A., 1968 | East Asian Regional Studies with advanced study of Japanese and Chinese languages |
University of Tokyo 1966-67 | Japanese Ministry of Education Fellow Masters Degree candidate, Modern History of Japan |
Stanford University B.A., 1965 | History major with minors in Philosophy and Japanese language studies. |
Japanese-Speaking and Reading Excellent
French-Speaking and reading fair-to-poor
Chinese-Speaking and reading fair-to-poor
Academic Experience
San Jose State University | 1999 | Professor of Strategy (tenure) |
San Jose State University | 1998-1999 | Visiting Professor of Strategy |
Monterey Institute of International Studies | 2001-2003 | Visiting & Adjunct Professor, International Organizational Behavior & Global Strategy |
University of Michigan | 1996-98 | Visiting Professor, Corporate Strategy; Fellow, Institute of International Studies/Davidson Inst. |
University of British Columbia | 1992-97 | Hong Kong Bank of Canada Professor (tenured from 1992) |
Keio University | Spring 1993-2006 | Visiting Professor, Business Administration |
University of California,Los Angeles | 1991-92 | Visiting Professor, Policy & Organization,Anderson Graduate School of Management |
INSEAD | 1988-92 | Professor of Strategy (tenured 1989) Euro-Asia Centre faculty member |
California State University East Bay (Hayward) | 1972-88 | Assistant, Associate & Full Professor, History Department |
Osaka University | 1984-85 | Visiting Professor, Department of Economics. |
National University Singapore | 1982-83 | Professor of Economic History, Department of Japanese Studies |
Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration | 1979-81 | Postdoctoral Fellow and Senior Research Associate (worked with Alfred D. Chandler, Jr.) |
University of British Columbia | 1970-71 | Lecturer, Department of Asian Studies |
Professional Memberships
Academy of Management
Academy of International Business
Pacific Roundtable on Industry, Society & Management
Grants & Awards
2007 | Lucas Graduate School of Business Travel Stipend |
2006 | Lucas Graduate School of Business Research Fellowship |
2005 | US-Israel Science & Technology Grant, unable to accept |
2000-2001 | University Research Award, San Jose State University |
1998-99 | Abe Fellow, Social Science Research Council (USA) |
1997-98 | William Davidson Institute Award, Univ. of Michigan |
1994-96 | SSHRC (Canada) Award with Dr. Masao Nakamura |
Summer, 1996 | Fellow International Institute of Economic Studies, Tokyo |
1990-91 | Fulbright Fellow and SSRC Council Awards |
1986-88 | The National Endowment for the Humanities Award |
1987-88 | U.S.-Japan Friendship Commission, Media Award |
1983-84 | The Toyota Foundation, National Grants Award |
1981-82 | Social Science Research Council, Research Fellow |
1979-80 | Newcomen Fellow, Harvard Graduate School of Business |
1979-80 | American Philosophical Society, Research Award |
1978-79 | Co-Investigator, Japan Foundation, Institutional Grant |
1977 Summer | National Endowment for the Humanities, UC Berkeley |
1976-77 | Japan Foundation, Economics, Hitotsubashi University |
1974 Summer | Northeast Asia Regional Council, Assoc. for Asian Studies |
1971-72 | Fulbright-Hays Research Fellow, Keio University, Tokyo |
Recent Professional Activities
Presentation | Plenary Panel on the Legacy of Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., “The Questions He Asked & Their Contributions to the Questions We Ask,” Academy of Management, Anaheim, California, August 11, 2008. |
Presentation | “New Thinking on Corporate Governance: Organizational and Institutional Synchronization, Innovation, and Development,” 4th International Symposium on Corporate Governance, Nov. 3, 2007, Nankai University, Tianjin, P.R.C. |
Presentation | “Environmental Sustainability and Economic Development,” Organization and Management Research Seminar, COB, Dec. 1, 2006. |
Keynote Address | “Environmental Sustainability and China’s Economic Development: Energy-Efficient and Environment-Friendly Technology Transfer from Japan to China,” International Conference on Business and Technology Transfer, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Meiji University, Dec. 9-11, 2006 |
Keynote Address | “Competition, Cooperation, and the Future of Business: The Asian Development Model, Environmental Sustainability, and China,” 80th Meeting of The Japanese Society of Business Administration (equivalent to U.S. Academy of Management), Tokyo, Sept. 6, 2006. |
Invited Speaker | “Silicon Valley 2005,” in Japanese; Institute of International Relations Alumni of Keio University, Tokyo, July 2, 2005. |
Invited Speaker | “Business Groups and Interfirm Networks,” Rock Center for Entre-preneurship, Harvard Business School, Nov. 29, 2004. |
Invited Speaker | “Competitive Advantage: Theory and Practice,” paper given to Global Technology Scholars, Engineering College, SJSU, 4/16/04 |
Keynote Speaker | “Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Silicon Valley: 2003,” New Business Conference, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, September 5, 2003; also presented at Nankai University, Tianjin, China, on September 9, 2003. |
Speaker | “Technology Management in Japan,” First International Conference on Business and Technology Transfer, Japan Society of Engineers, October 21, 2002, Kyoto, Japan. |
Speaker | “Evolving High-Tech Services in Silicon Valley: From memory, microcomputer logic chips & operating system design to full-function R&D, system design, production, and financial services,” Business History Conference, Miami, Florida, April 21, 2001. |
Visiting Professor | “The New Economy and Corporate Strategy,” Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, Spring semester, 2000-2005 |
Keynote speaker | “Japanese Firms in Comparison with European & American Firms in terms of Internationalization,” London, UK Society Of Business Historians,” June 29-July 1, 2000. |
Invited speaker | “Synchronicity and Multiplicity in Time-based Production Strategies,” Manufacturing Studies Board, SJSU, Feb 18, 2000. |
Panel moderator | “Japan and the Post-bubble Economy,” Academy of Inter-National Business, Charleston, S.C., Oct. 10-12, 1999. |
Invited speaker | “Network Organization and the Pacific Rim,” National Humanities Center, Research Triange, April 10, 1999. |
Organizer & presenter | “Context, Culture & International Knowledge Transfers,” AIB, Vienna, Oct. 9-11, 1998. |
Presenter | “Team-based Knowledge Creating Activities,” Tacit Knowledge & Organizational Capabilities panel, Academy of Management, San Diego, Ca., Aug. 7-10, 1998. |
Presenter | “Double Time/Double Bind: The Time Value of Knowledge And Organizational Campaigning,” Corporate Strategy Seminar, Univ. of Michigan Business School, Jan. 30, 1998. |