Undergraduate Course Descriptions

Detailed course descriptions may be viewed on the 2024-2025 catalog.

Lower Division Courses

English 1A – First-Year Writing

English 1B – Argument and Analysis

English 2 – Critical Thinking and Writing

English 10 – Great Works of Literature

English 20 – The Graphic Novel

English 21 – Mystery and Detective Fiction

English 22 – Fantasy and Science Fiction

English 30 – Literature and the Environment

English 40 – Contemporary World Fiction

English 50 – Beginnings to the "American Experiment"

English 60 – Literatures of the Atlantic World (1680-1860)

English 70 – Emerging Modernisms and Beyond

English 71 – Creative Writing

English 78 – Introduction to Shakespeare's Drama

English 92 – International Program Studies

Upper Division Courses

English 100A – Writing Competency Through Genres

ENGL 101 - Introduction to Literary Criticism

English 100W – Writing Workshop

English 100WB – Written Communication: Business

English 103 – Modern English

English 105 – Seminar in Advanced Composition

English 106 – Professional and Technical Editing

English 107 – Professional and Technical Writing

English 108 – Gaming and Narrative

English 109 - Writing and the Young Writer

English 110 – UX Design and Visual Communication

English 111 – Strategic Digital Content and Social Media Writing

English 112A – Children's Literature

English 112B – Literature for Young Adults

English 113 – Gothic and Horror Fiction

English 115 – The Bible as Literature

English 116 – Myth in Literature

English 117A – American Literature, Film, and Culture

English 117B – Global Film, Literature, and Cultures

English 120 (TA 120) – Theatre History

English 121 (COLT 121) – Introduction to Comparative Literature

English 122 (COLT 122) – Topics in Comparative Literature

English 123A – Literatures of the Americas
English 123B – Literatures of Africa
English 123C – Literatures of the Pacific
English 123D – Literatures of Asia

English 125 – Ancient Literatures

English 126 – Holocaust Literature

English 127 (TA 127) – Contemporary Theatre

English 128 (TA 128) – Introduction to Playwriting

English 129 – Writing for Professional Publications

English 130 – Writing Fiction

English 131 – Writing Poetry

English 133 – Reed Magazine

English 135 – Writing Nonfiction

English 139 – Visiting Authors

English 140A – Old English

English 140B – Beowulf

English 141 – Medieval Literature

English 142 – Chaucer

English 144 – Shakespeare I

English 145 – Shakespeare and Performance

English 149 – The Romantic Period

English 150 – The Victorian Age

English 151 – 20th and 21st Century Poetry

English 153 – Studies in the British Novel Before 1900

English 156 - Black Women’s Writing

English 157 – Topics in Rhetorical Analysis

English 160 - Topics in American Literature

English 162 – Indigenous American Literatures

English 163 – Asian American Literatures

English 165 – Black American Literatures

English 166 – Latinx Literatures

English 167 – Steinbeck

English 168 – The American Novel

English 169 – Ethnicity in American Literature

English 171 - Pop Cultures

English 172 - The Arts in U.S. Society

English 173 – Thinking About Contemporary World Arts

English 176 – The Short Story

English 177 – Topics in Fiction Since 1900 

English 178 – Creative Nonfiction

English 180 - Individual Studies

English 181 – Special Topics

English 182 – Women, Gender, and Sexuality in Literature

English 183 – Major Authors

English 184 - Queer Literary Studies

English 192 – International Program Studies

English 199 – Writing Internship