Previous Workshop Schedules

Spring 2024

For the Love of the Game: What can contract year syndrome in the NBA teach us about intrinsic motivation?
April 12, 2024
Rebecca Chan (San Jose State University)

Heathcare Workforce Shortages and Job Autonomy: Nurse Practitioners and Entrepreneurship in the United States
Health Economics
March 22, 2024
Shishir Shakya (Appalachian State University)

Creative Evolution in Economics
Computational Economics
February 16, 2024
Abigail Devereaux (Wichita State University)




Spring 2023

Coding for Student Researchers: A Workshop with Dr. Scott Cunningham
April 21, 2023
Scott Cunningham, Ph.D., Baylor University

Global Banks, Local Financial Development, and FDI [pdf]
(co-authored with Nicholas Rowe, the University of Essex)
April 7, 2023
Hannah Gabriel, CSU Sacramento

A Horse Race of Monetary Policy Regimes: An Experimental Investigation [pdf]
March 24, 2023
Luba Petersen, Ph.D., Simon Faser University | San Franciso Fed

The Pharmacist Will See You Now: Pharmacist Prescriptive Authority and Access to Care in Idaho [pdf]
February 24, 2023
Alicia Plemmons, Ph.D.West Virginia University 


Fall 2022

Marriage Market Responses in the Wake of a Natural Disaster in India [pdf]
November 4, 2022
Shatanjaya Dasgupta, Ph.D., Providence College (Co-authored with Shreyasee Das of Temple University

The Paycheck Protection Program & Small Business Performance; Evidence from Craft Breweries [pdf]
October 7, 2022
Thomas Krumel, Ph.D., North Dakota State University

Hoggin' the Road: Nagative Externatlities of Pork Slaughterhouses [pdf]
September 16, 2022
Margaret Bock, Ph.D., Assistant Professor Goucher College

Spring 2022

Facing the Grim Truth: Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma Against Robot Opponents [pdf]
February 25, 2022
John Duffy Ph.D., UC Irvine

TRAP'd Teens: Impacts of abortion provider regulations on fertility & education [pdf]
March 25, 2022
Mayra Pineda-Torres Ph.D., Texas A&M University

The Birthweight Gains from Trade: Chinese Imports and Infant Health in Sub-Saharan Africa [pdf]
April 15, 2022
Patralekha Ukil, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, San Jose State University


Fall 2021

A Theory of Injunctive Norms [pdf]
November 12, 2021
Erik O. Kimbrough, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Economics, Smith Institute for Political Economy and Philosophy, Chapman University

Policing Substance Use: Chicago's Treatment Program for Narcotics Arrests [pdf]
October 29, 2021
Panka Bencsik, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Chicago

Before apartheid: labor markets, political parties and institutions in 19th century South Africa
September 24, 2021
Kara Dimitruk, Ph.D.


All events cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic.


Fall 2019

Colors, Emotions, and the Auction Value of Paintings [pdf]
Thursday, October 3rd
Charles Noussair, Ph.D.


Fall 2018

Examining the Effect of Economic Shocks on the Schooling Choices of Southern Farmers [pdf]
Thursday, October 25th
Paul-Vincent Lombardi

Baby's Gone: The Effects of Increased Sentencing Severity on Fertility and Family Formation [pdf]
Wednesday, September 26th
Siobhan O’Keefe, Ph.D. Candidate (UC Davis)

Spring 2018 

Gordon Tullock Meets Phineas Gage: The Political Economy of Lobotomies [pdf]
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Raymond March, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor, San José State University)

Challenges of Taxation Designed For Your Own Good [pdf]
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Todd M. Nesbit, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor, Ball State University)


Fall 2017

Public Reporting and Self-Regulation: Hospital Compare's Effect on Brain and Sinus Computed Tomography Utilization
December 1, 2017
Darwyyn Deyo, Ph.D. (San José State University)

Retirement and Health: Evidence from England
October 27, 2017
Liam Rose, Ph.D. Candidate (UC Santa Cruz)

The Taxation of Land Value as the Means Towards Optimal Urban Development and the Extirpation of Excessive Economic Inequality
September 22, 2017
Luca Andrea Minola, Ph.D. Candidate (Polytechnic Univerity of Milan, Italy)

Spring 2017

Measurement Error in Macroeconomic Data and Economics Research
February 3, 2017
Dr. Andrew C. Chang (Federal Reserve System)

Health Insurance, Retirement Decisions and the Value of Medicare
March 17, 2017
Jonathan Zhang, Ph.D. Candidate (Stanford University)

Complexity Economics: Motivation, Methods, and Methodology
April 21, 2017
James Caton, Ph.D. Candidate (George Mason University)


Fall 2015

State Land Trusts [pdf]
October 9, 2015
Scott Beaulier (Arizona State University)

Tomorrow 3.0: Selling Reductions in Transactions Costs
November 6, 2015
Mike Munger (Duke University)

No Title
November 20, 2015
Larry Martin (Michigan State University)

Spring 2015

Survey Methods and Research at San José State University
January 1, 2015
Dr. Mary Currin-Percival
(Associate Research Director, Survey and Policy Research Institute @ San José State University)

On Using Standard Values of Time in Project Appraisal: Income Equity vs. Preference Equity
February 27, 2015
Seiji S.C. Steimetz, Ph.D.
(Department of Economics, California State University, Long Beach)

Septics, Sewers, and Secularization: How Government Flushes Religion Down the Drain
April 17, 2015
Anthony Gill
(University of Washington)

Mass Incarceration's Effect on Risky Sex”, co-authored with Christopher Cornwell
May 8, 2015
Scott Cunningham
(Baylor University)


Fall 2014

Ground Rent Seeking in U.S. Economic History [pdf]
September 19, 2014
Fred Foldvary
(San José State University)

Book Discussion: The Taste of Many Mountains and Games in Economic Development
October 31, 2014
Discussion Leader: Colleen Haight
(San José State University)

Developing Hope : The Impact of International Child Sponsorship on Self-Esteem and Aspirations
November 11, 2014
Bruce Wydick
(University of San Francisco)

Centripetal and Centrifugal Electoral Incentives in Multidimensional Policy Spaces
December 5, 2014
Robi Ragan
(San José State University)

Spring 2014

The Power of the South: A Multidimensional Analysis of the Philadelphia Convention [pdf]
March 14, 2014
Keith Dougherty
(University of Georgia)

Ranking of U.S. Recessions
April 25, 2014
Rui Liu
(San José State University)

Entrepreneurship Inside Firms
A background reading, consisting of several chapters from the speaker's 2009 book.
May 2, 2014
Ivan Pongracic
(Hillsdale College)


Fall 2013

How to Make Money and Find Happiness using Ordinary Least Squares
The speaker will present results from several of his recent papers.
September 27, 2013
Matthew Holian
(San José State University)

Electricity Regulation in an Environment of Technological Change and Competitive Retail Markets
October 11, 2013
Lynne Kiesling
(Northwestern University)

The Value of Formalism: Re-examining External Costs and Decision Costs with Multiple Groups
October 18, 2013
Robi Ragan
(San José State University)

Testing Democracy in Deficit: Keynesian Economics in a Buchanan World
November 11, 2013
Edward Lopez
(Western Carolina University)

Reading Group Discussion: Free Market Fairness
November 22, 2013
Mike Jerbic
(San José State University)

Spring 2013

Microfoundations of Macroeconomics Redux
February 8, 2013
Lydia Ortega
(San José State University)

Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
February 15, 2013
Richard Taketa
(San José State University)

Applications with GIS
February 22, 2013
Richard Taketa
(San José State University)

Strategic Behavior and Organizational Structure of Religions [pdf]
April 19, 2013
Donald Wittman
(UC Santa Cruz)

Wilhelm Launhardt’s Spatial Monopoly Theory in 1885 [pdf]
May 10, 2013
Yeung Nan Shieh
(San José State University)


Fall 2012

Reading Group Discussion (Part I) Violence and Social Orders, by North, Wallis and Weingast
September 14, 2012

“Lessons from Delphi: Religious Markets and Spiritual Capitals,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, November 18, 2010
September 28, 2012
Colleen Haight
(San José State University)

Reading Group Discussion (Part II) Violence and Social Orders, by North, Wallis and Weingast and Violence, access, and competition in the market for protection [pdf], by Douglas B. Rogers, Adam C. Smith, and Bart J. Wilson
October 12, 2012

Doing Experiments in Economics
October 26, 2012
Kirill Chernomaz
(San Francisco State University)

Political-Economic Development Traps
November 2, 2012
Barry Weingast
(Stanford University)

Unintended or intended consequences? The effect of below market housing mandates on housing markets in California [pdf]
November 9, 2012
Tom Means
(San José State University)

Student Research Presentations: Who Supports Growth Control Initiatives in San Francisco?
November 30, 2012
Kevin Chiu

Spring 2012

Constraining Private Predation
February 10, 2012
Claudia Williamson
(Development Research Institute, New York University)

Euvoluntary or Not, Exchange is Just [pdf] (Social Philosophy & Policy 2011)
February 24, 2012
Michael C. Munger

Exploitation and Unfair Pricing
March 2, 2012
Matt Zwolinski
(University of San Diego)

Why are HIV outbreaks in the adult film industry the exception and not the norm?
March 16, 2012
Alexandre Padilla
(Metropolitan State College of Denver)

Using — Opposing Responses — and Relative Performance to Distinguish Empirically Among Alternative Models of Promotions
April 13, 2012
Jed DeVaro
CSU East Bay)

Frictions in Polycentric Administration with Non-Congruent Borders: Evidence from Ohio School District Class Sizes
April 20, 2012
Joshua C. Hall
(Beloit College)

An Experimental Economic History of Whalers' Rules of Capture
May 4, 2012
Bart Wilson
(Chapman University)

Hope and Change in the Obama Administration's Antitrust Policy
May 11, 2012
William F. Shughart II
(Utah State University)


Fall 2011

McCloskey on Rhetoric Rhetoric of Inquiry [pdf] (19pp.)
September 09, 2011
Discussion Leader: Ed Lopez

McCloskey on Econometric Methodology Size Matters (20pp.)
Optional Readings: Leamer comment; Hooks & Robinson
September 9, 2011
Discussion Leader: Matt Holian
(San José State University)

McCloskey on the Bourgeois Era
Bourgeois Dignity Chapters: 1 (The Tide of Innovation), 26 (Institutions Cannot Be Viewed As...) (NB: this is ch.33 in final book), 27 (Nor Did The Glorious Revolution...); (NB final ch #), Optional: 28 (And So the Chronology...); 29 (And Anyway the Entire Absence...); Boettke comment
September 16, 2011
Discussion Leader: Jeff Hummel
(San José State University)

Center City Vibrancy and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Transportation
September 30, 2011
Matt Holian
(San José State University)

An Analysis of Tax-Induced Cigarette Smuggling in America
October 11, 2011
Todd Nesbit
(College of Charleston)

The U.S.-E.U. Antitrust Coordination Doctrine
October 11, 2011
Robert Dixon Crouch, M.A. Candidate
(Department of Economics, San José State University)

The Financial Crisis in the U.K.: Uncertainty, Calculation, and Error
October 7, 2011
Anthony J. Evans
(Fulbright Scholar in Residence and ESCP Europe Business School)

Foundation for Economic Education
L'Oreal v. eBay: Trademarks Reshaping Cross-border Internet Trade.
November 4, 2011
Tsvet Tsonsevski [doc]

The Retention Consequences of Caps on Executive Compensation During Financial Crises [pdf]
December 24, 2011
Jed DeVaro
(CSU East Bay)