Chemical Biology

Chemical Biology Research Group Members

taylor arharTaylor Arhar
Assistant Professor, Biochemistry 
ISB 458
Arhar Lab Research Page

Protein biochemistry and bacterial genetics to study molecular chaperones as potential antibacterial targets


emma carrollEmma Carroll
Assistant Professor, Biochemistry 
ISB 454
Carroll Lab Research Group Page



The Carroll lab studies the effects of the cellular environment on protein misfolding, aggregation, and amyloid formation. We are also interested in how the cellular protein homeostasis network, especially ubiquitin, responds to different amyloidosis.


gianmarc grazioliGianmarc Grazioli 
Assistant Professor, Computational Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Molecular Biophysics
DH 005B 
Grazioli Research Group Page

Computational methods development using molecular simulations and machine learning to study configurational dynamics in biomolecules, molecular self-assembly, and reaction dynamics.


Brooke LustigBrooke Lustig
Adjunct Professor, Biomedical, Chemical, and Materials, Computational Biochemistry
DH 417
Lustig Research Group Page

Computational/theoretical methods to characterize entropy and related effects in proteins and RNA; drug design that includes potential anti-HIV agents.


Laura Miller ConradLaura Miller Conrad
Associate Professor, Chemical Biology, Organic Chemistry, and Biochemistry
ISB 354
Miller Conrad Research Group Page

Synthesis and investigation of anti-quorum sensing and anti-virulence compounds in bacteria.


Gilles MullerGilles Muller
Professor, Inorganic Chemistry and Chemical Biology
DH 412A
Muller Research Group Page

Lanthanides, complexes, circularly polarized luminescence, chirality, thermodynamics, and spectroscopy.


Ningkun WangNingkun Wang
Associate Professor, Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
ISB 456
Wang Research Group Page

Protein conformational dynamics, protein-protein interactions, enzyme specificty.