Captain Benjamin L. Goirigolzarri
Captain Benjamin L. Goirigolzarri serves as Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies,
Detachment 045, Air Force Reserve Training Corps, Air Education and Training Command,
San Jose State University, California. AFROTC Detachment 045 serves to develop leaders
of tomorrow who will go on to fulfill the Air Force mission to fly, fight, and win,
represent our core values of Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence
in All We Do, and live up to the rich history of Air Force ROTC.
Captain Goirigolzarri commissioned into the Air Force through the United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado in June 2016. Following his commission, he obtained his PhD in Policy Analysis from Pardee RAND Graduate School, Santa Monica, California. Upon commissioning, he was stationed at Space Systems Command, Los Angeles AFB, California, where he served as the Functional Security Engineering Team (FSET) Lead and Program Manager for the Military GPS User Equipment (MGUE) program. Prior to his current position, the Captain was the Commander’s Speechwriter, Space Systems Command, Los Angeles AFB, Los Angeles California.
2016 Bachelor of Science in Operations Research, Unite States Air Force Academy, Colorado
Springs, CO
2019 Master of Philosophy in Policy Analysis, Pardee RAND Graduate School, Santa Monica,
2019 Doctor of Philosophy in Policy Analysis, Pardee RAND Graduate School, Santa Monica,
1. August 2016 – September 2019, PhD Student, Pardee RAND Graduate School, CA
2. September 2019 – January 2022, Project Officer, Los Angeles AFB, CA
3. January 2022 – September 2022, Commander’s Speechwriter, Los Angeles AFB, CA
4. September 2022 – Present, Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies, AFROTC Detachment 045, San Jose State University, CA
Second Lieutenant June 2016
First Lieutenant June 2018
Captain June 2020
(Current as of October 2022)