Transfer Impaction Criteria - Program Specific Coursework

Transfer Admission Only

Admission to San José State is competitive in all majors. SJSU continues to have more qualified applicants than available new student spaces. For each admission cycle, the programs listed below will rank applicants within the major based on a combination of self-reported GPA and the number of completed program-specific courses as designated.

For Spring 2025 admission, coursework must be completed with a "C" grade or higher prior to the end of the Fall 2024 term.

For Fall 2025 admission, coursework must be completed with a "C" grade or higher prior to the end of the Spring 2025 term. 

Beginning Fall 2024, applicants to designated majors in the College of Engineering will need to complete program-specific preparation courses to be eligible for admission. These courses will have a ♦ symbol.

For these select programs, if two applicants to the same program have the same GPA, preference will be given to the applicant who has completed the greater number of program-specific preparation courses. Similarly, if two applicants have completed the same number of program-specific preparation courses, preference will be given to the applicant with the higher GPA.

See below for a list of programs (majors) and the associated preparatory coursework.

Consult ASSIST to determine the courses offered at California institutions that will satisfy the specified course requirements.

Supplemental Criteria: Preparatory Coursework

Aerospace Engineering (BS)

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)♦
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)♦
  • Physics 50 (General Physics/Mechanics)♦
  • Chem 1A (General Chemistry)
  • CMPE 30 (Programming Concepts & Methodology)
  • Math 32 (Calculus III)
  • Physics 51 (General Physics/Electricity & Magnetism)

Animation and Illustration (BFA)

  • Applicants will be required to submit brief supplemental drawing exercises during the application process. Based on departmental/faculty review of your completed supplemental drawing exercises, you could receive an additional GPA bump in the impaction review process. This requirement replaces the supplemental coursework in effect prior to Fall 2023.

Aviation (BS)

  • Math 71 (Calculus for Business and Aviation) or Math 30 (Calculus I)
  • Physics 2A (Fundamentals of Physics) or Physics 50 (General Physics/Mechanics)

Biological Sciences (BA/BS) - All Degrees

  • Chemistry 1A (General Chemistry)
  • Chemistry 1B (General Chemistry)
  • Biology 30 (Principles of Biology I) -- [Formerly Biology 1B (Foundations of Cell Biology and Physiology)]
  • Biology 31 (Principles of Biology II) -- [Formerly Biology 1A (Foundations of Biodiversity)]
  • Physics 2A (Fundamentals of Physics)
    AS-T in Biology

Biomedical Engineering (BS)

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)♦
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)♦
  • Physics 50 (General Physics/Mechanics)♦
  • Chem 1A (General Chemistry)
  • Chem 1B (General Chemistry II)
  • Math 32 (Calculus III)
  • Physics 51 (Gen. Physics/Electricity & Magnetism)

Business Administration (BS)

  • Econ 1A (Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics)
  • Econ 1B (Principles of Economics: Microeconomics)
  • Bus2 90 (Business Statistics)
    AS-T in Business Administration

Chemical Engineering (BS)

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)♦
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)♦
  • Physics 50 (General Physics/Mechanics)♦
  • Chem 1A (General Chemistry)
  • Chem 1B (General Chemistry II)
  • Math 32 (Calculus III)
  • Physics 51 (Gen. Physics/Electricity & Magnetism)

Chemistry (BA)

  • Chemistry 1A (General Chemistry)
  • Chemistry 1B (General Chemistry)
  • Math 30 (Calculus I)
  • Physics 2A and Physics 2B (Fundamentals of Physics) -or- Physics 50 (General Physics/Mechanics) and Physics 51 (General Physics/Electricity and Magnetism)
    AS-T in Chemistry

Chemistry (BS)

  • Chemistry 1A (General Chemistry)
  • Chemistry 1B (General Chemistry)
  • Math 30 (Calculus I)
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)
  • Physics 50 (General Physics/Mechanics)
  • Physics 51 (General Physics/Electricity and Magnetism)
    AS-T in Chemistry

Chemistry, Concentration in Biochemistry (BS)

  • Chemistry 1A (General Chemistry)
  • Chemistry 1B (General Chemistry)
  • Biology 30 (Principles of Biology I) -- [Formerly Biology 1B (Foundations of Cell Biology and Physiology)]
  • Biology 31 (Principles of Biology II) -- [Formerly Biology 1A (Foundations of Biodiversity)]
  • Math 30 (Calculus I)
  • Physics 2A and Physics 2B (Fundamentals of Physics), or Physics 50 (General Physics/Mechanics) and Physics 51 (General Physics/Electricity and Magnetism)

Civil Engineering (BS)

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)♦
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)♦
  • Physics 50 (General Physics/Mechanics)♦
  • Chem 1A (General Chemistry)
  • CE 95 (Theory & Application of Statics)
  • Math 32 (Calculus III)
  • Physics 51 (Gen. Physics/Electricity & Magnetism)

Climate Science (BS)

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)
  • Physics 2A (Fundamentals of Physics)
  • Physics 2B (Fundamentals of Physics)

Computer Engineering (BS)

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)♦
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)♦
  • Physics 50 (General Physics/Mechanics)♦
  • Computer Engineering/Electrical Engineering 30 (Programming Concepts and Methodology)♦
  • Computer Engineering 50 (Object-Oriented Concepts and Methodology) - Beginning Fall 2024
  • Math 32 (Calculus III)
  • Physics 51 (Gen. Physics/Electricity & Magnetism)
  • Bio 10 (The Living World) - This course will no longer be considered after Spring 2024

Computer Science (BS)

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)
  • Math 42 (Discrete Math)
  • Computer Science 46A (Introduction to Programming)
  • Computer Science 46B (Introduction to Data Structures)
    AS-T in Computer Science

Computer Science & Linguistics

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)
  • Math 42 (Discrete Math)
  • Computer Science 46A (Introduction to Programming)
  • Computer Science 46B (Introduction to Data Structures) or Computer Science 22A (Python for Everyone)


AS-T in Computer Science


Data Science (BS)

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)
  • Math 42 (Discrete Math)
  • Computer Science 46A (Introduction to Programming)
  • Computer Science 46B (Introduction to Data Structures) or Computer Science 22A (Python for Everyone)

Earth System Science (BS)

  • Chemistry 1A (General Chemistry)
  • Chemistry 1B (General Chemistry)
  • Geology 7 (Earth, Time & Life)
    AS-T in Geology

Ecology and Evolution (BS)

  • Chemistry 1A (General Chemistry)
  • Chemistry 1B (General Chemistry)
  • Biology 30 (Principles of Biology I) -- [Formerly Biology 1B (Foundations of Cell Biology and Physiology)]
  • Biology 31 (Principles of Biology II) -- [Formerly Biology 1A (Foundations of Biodiversity)]
  • Physics 2A (Fundamentals of Physics)
    AS-T in Biology

Electrical Engineering (BS)

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)♦
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)♦
  • Physics 50 (General Physics/Mechanics)♦
  • Physics 51 (General Physics/Electricity and Magnetism)
  • Chem 1A (General Chemistry)
  • EE 30 (Introduction to Programming Micro-Controllers) or CMPE 30 (Programming Concepts & Methodology) Satisfying this requirement with a course that is based on C/C++ programming is strongly recommended. 
  • Math 32 (Calculus III)

Engineering Technology (BS) - Both Concentrations

  • Math 71 (Calculus for Business & Aviation) or Math 30
  • Physics 2A (Fundamentals of Physics) or Physics 50 (General Physics/Mechanics)

Geology (BS)

  • Chemistry 1A (General Chemistry)
  • Chemistry 1B (General Chemistry)
  • Math 30 (Calculus I)
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)
  • Geology 1 (General Geology)
  • Geology 7 (Earth, Time & Life)

Industrial & Systems Engineering (BS)

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)♦
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)♦
  • Physics 50 (General Physics/Mechanics)♦
  • Chem 1A (General Chemistry)
  • CMPE 30 (Programming Concepts & Methodology)
  • Math 32 (Calculus III)
  • Physics 51 (Gen. Physics/Electricity & Magnetism)

Interdisciplinary Engineering (BS)

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)♦
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)♦
  • Physics 50 (General Physics/Mechanics)♦
  • Chem 1A (General Chemistry)
  • CMPE 30 (Programming Concepts & Methodology)
  • Math 32 (Calculus III)
  • Physics 51 (Gen. Physics/Electricity & Magnetism)

Kinesiology (BS)

  • Kinesiology 70 (Introduction to Kinesiology)
  • Bio 65 (Human Anatomy)
  • Bio 66 (Human Physiology)
    AA-T in Kinesiology

Marine Biology (BS)

  • Chemistry 1A (General Chemistry)
  • Chemistry 1B (General Chemistry)
  • Biology 30 (Principles of Biology I) -- [Formerly Biology 1B (Foundations of Cell Biology and Physiology)]
  • Biology 31 (Principles of Biology II) -- [Formerly Biology 1A (Foundations of Biodiversity)]
  • Physics 2A (Fundamentals of Physics)
    AS-T in Biology

Materials Engineering (BS)

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)♦
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)♦
  • Physics 50 (General Physics/Mechanics)♦
  • Chem 1A (General Chemistry)
  • Chem 1B (General Chemistry II)
  • Math 32 (Calculus III)
  • Physics 51 (Gen. Physics/Electricity & Magnetism)

Mathematics - All Bachelor of Arts Degrees

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)
  • Math 32 (Calculus III)
    AS-T Mathematics (BA, Mathematics, and BA, Mathematics - Prep for Teaching, only)

Mathematics - All Bachelor of Science Degrees

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)
  • Math 32 (Calculus III)

Mechanical Engineering (BS)

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)♦
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)♦
  • Physics 50 (General Physics/Mechanics)♦
  • Chem 1A (General Chemistry)
  • CE 95 (Theory & Application of Statics)
  • Math 32 (Calculus III)
  • Physics 51 (Gen. Physics/Electricity & Magnetism)

Meteorology (BS)

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)
  • Physics 50 (General Physics/Mechanics)
  • Physics 51 (General Physics/Electricity and Magnetism)

Nursing (BS)*

  • Biology 65 or 65o (Human Anatomy)
  • Biology 66 (Human Physiology)
  • Chemistry 30A (Introduction to Chemistry) or equivalent statewide course for nursing
  • Communication 20 or 20N (Public Speaking/Public Speaking for Nonnative Speakers)*
  • English 1A (Composition I) or course from CSU General Education Area A2**
  • Course from CSU General Education Area A3**
  • Microbiology 20 (General Bacteriology)
  • Statistics 95 (Elementary Statistics)

**These courses are part of the four basic requirements for CSU Eligibility and are not calculated in impaction thresholds.

Physics (BA, BS)

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)
  • Physics 50 (General Physics/Mechanics)
  • Physics 51 (General Physics/Electricity and Magnetism)
    AS-T in Physics

Physics (BA, Prep for Teaching)

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)
  • Physics 50 (General Physics/Mechanics)
  • Physics 51 (General Physics/Electricity and Magnetism)

Psychology (BA)

  • Stat 95 (Statistics)
  • Psyc 1 (Intro to Psychology)
  • Psyc 18 (Intro to Research Methods)
  • Psyc 30 (Intro to Psychobiology)
  • Biol 21 (Human Biology) or Biol 65 (Human Anatomy) or Biology 65o


  • AA-T in Psychology

Public Health (BS)

  • Stat 95 (Statistics) or PH 67 (Health Statistics) --- formerly HS 67
  • PH 1 (Understanding your Health) --- formerly HS 1
  • PH 15 (Human Life Span) --- formerly HS 15


  • AS-T in Public Health

Social Work (BA)

  • Stat 95 (Statistics)


  • AA-T in Social Work & Human Services

Software Engineering (BS)

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)♦
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)♦
  • Physics 50 (General Physics/Mechanics)
  • Computer Science/Software Engineering 46A (Introduction to Programming)
  • Computer Science/Software Engineering 46B (Introduction to Data Structures) - New beginning Fall 2024
  • Math 42 (Discrete Math) - New beginning Fall 2024

AS-T in Computer Science (New for Fall 2024)

The courses below will no longer be considered for admission to Software Engineering after Spring 2024:

  • Bio 10 (The Living World) 
  • Math 32 (Calculus III)
  • Physics 51 (Gen. Physics/Electricity & Magnetism)

Statistics (BS)

  • Math 30 (Calculus I)
  • Math 31 (Calculus II)
  • Math 32 (Calculus III)

* In addition to applying to Undeclared Pre-Nursing through Cal State Apply, applicants must apply directly to the BS Nursing Program. Please visit the Nursing Program site to review additional criteria.

♦As of Fall 2024 - this course must be completed to be considered for admission.