Commencement Parking
2025 Winter and Spring Virtual Parking Permits Available Online Starting 12/16/2024!
News and Announcements
Parking and Traffic Impact
Last day of shuttle service for Fall Semester will be Monday, December 9, 2024. For
finals and end of year, South Campus Semester parking permits are valid in the general
parking area on main campus from December 10 through December 31, 2024. Shuttle service
will resume on Thursday, January 23, 2025 (the first day of instruction for 2025 Spring
Traffic is unusually heavy and finding parking is EXTREMELY difficult during the first
two weeks of spring semester, between 8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m., Monday - Thursday! Please plan accordingly and consider using the South Campus Garage, situated at 1278
South 10th St. (intersection of 10th and Alma Streets). You can conveniently take the shuttle to the main campus from there. Another option is to leverage the VTA EcoPass for utilizing public transportation.
As a reminder, there is NO Grace Period for Parking. A valid parking permit is required
at all times.
Permit News
- The cost of employee campus parking permits for CSUEU, SUPA, UAPD, UAW, CFA, C99,
E99, MPP and Auxiliary employees will increase beginning July 1, 2024, due to approved
employee rate changes. The one-time increase will be $1 per month to all parking rates
for all CSUEU, SUPA, C99, E99, and Auxiliary employees; $3 per month to all parking
rates for UAPD and UAW; and 5% to all parking rates for CFA and MPP. For additional
information, visit Employee Parking Permit page.
- 2025 Student Winter and Spring parking permits are available for purchase through
the Parking Online Services website starting 12/15/2024.
- 2024 Employee Annual parking permits are available for purchase starting June 15, 2024, through the Parking Online Services website.
Please note: The South Campus fall and spring semester virtual permits are valid at
the new South Campus Garage (located at 10th and Alma Streets) and Park & Ride Lot.
The 2025 South Campus spring semester virtual permits are also valid in general spaces
of the main campus parking garages from 4:30 p.m. - 11:59 p.m. Monday - Thursday,
and 7 a.m. - 11:59 p.m. Friday through Sunday. The South Campus permits are not valid for overnight parking. For additional permit information, visit Parking Permit page.
- Starting June 1, 2022, only Semester and Academic overnight permits will be offered and available to students
living on campus. Please plan accordingly.

General News
- New South Campus Parking garage at S. 10th Street and Alma Street is open for public
use. There are 2 entrances; one on S. 10th Street and another on Alma Street. The
garage is open from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. everyday. A valid SJSU parking permit
is required at all times. Pay via ParkMobile app (Zone 9033) or Permit Pay-Stations available on 1st floor by elevators.
Parking General Information
About Us
We are here to help students, faculty, staff and visitors park in a safe and clean
environment. We maintain 7,500 parking spaces to help our campus function safely and
efficiently, and provide other crucial services for the community.
Parking Permit
We know that the SJSU community has diverse needs when it comes to parking. That's
why we offer a variety of parking permit types at various locations that can last
anywhere from a single day to a semester.
Parking Citations
Make sure you stay up to date on all our regulations, which are enforced 24-hours
a day, 7 days a week, every day, including holidays. It's also important to note that
if you don't follow our regulations, you could be subject to a citation or fine.
Parking Maps
Not sure where you can park on campus? Check out our printable parking maps, where
you can find spaces for permit holders, disabled persons, short-term parking and more.
Parking Apps
We've recently partnered with Parkmobile to provide a service that allows users to
pay for and extend parking sessions using a smartphone or web app. Users also get
access to wayfinding tips and customizable expiration reminders!
How We Can Help
Have a question about where you can park, our parking permits, citations or anything
parking-related? We're here to help!