Program Revision

Proposal Process

Submit a *Program/Subprogram Modify approval process in Modern Campus Curriculum (formerly Curriculog). Program revisions require a different level of review depending on if the revisions are considered minor or major.

Minor Program Revisions

Changes may include one or more of the following:

  • Adding or removing or rearranging courses from program requirements (without exceeding the degree's unit limit)
  • Changes to major preparation.
  • Name changes for specializations or tracks (not options, concentrations)
  • Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
  • Planned Modality/ Delivery Format 
  • Admission Requirements 

Major Program Revisions

A major program revision applies if any of the following criteria are met and must submit any noted additional documentation:  

  • Impact on other disciplines. Review the Consultation webpage and include appropriate evidence of consultation.
  • Increase in resources. Detailed memo explaining resource need. Request for Exception to Baccalaureate Unit Limits.
  • Exceeding the degree's unit limit. To request an Exception to Baccalaureate Unit Limits, complete the linked template. If the program has concentrations, create a side-by-side comparison document that outlines requirements for the base degree and for each concentration, clearly indicating which courses are shared among all versions of the degree. 
  • Changing a Program NameChanging the name of an existing degree, concentration, certificate, or minor may be permitted so long as the new name conforms to the existing CSU Program Codes and Corresponding CIP Codes [pdf]. You can find the current code used for your program in the catalog. (From the landing page, click "major start terms and CIP codes.") Some names (e.g., architecture) are restricted.
    • A proposal for changing a program name might trigger a number of other curricular revisions. It is recommended that these proposals, if applicable, are submitted concurrently. If a program name is changing,
      • does this also affect a department or school name? For example, when the "Health Science, BS" became the "Public Health, BS", the department name was also updated from department of "Health Science and Recreation" to "Public Health and Recreation". Learn how to change a department or school name.
      • does this also affect a course subject code/prefix? For example, when the "Health Science, BS" became the "Public Health, BS", the course subject code/prefix was also updated from "HS - Health Science" to "PH - Public Health". Contact the Curriculum Analyst for an official list of all courses in order to submit Curriculog proposal to initiate this type of change. 
  • Suggesting a new CIP Code [pdf]
  • Changing Degree Designation. To propose a degree designation change, you must submit a request that should include a memo addressing the rationale for the change. A rationale would typically be one or two paragraphs long and should refer explain why this degree designation is necessary. There is no prescribed format, but the Chancellor's Office guidance indicates that a rationale may address disciplinary convention, recruitment issues, employer concerns, or the degree designations used at other CSU campuses or at public or private institutions across the country, for example. 

Degree Roadmaps: 

All undergraduate minor program revisions must include a 2-year (if applicable per SB 1440) and 4-year degree roadmaps. Follow the links to download your existing, approved roadmap. Make edits using tracked changes. 

View the roadmaps checklist document for guidance on required units.